The next LISIC seminar will be given by Katherine Malan from the University of South Africa who is a visiting professor at LISIC lab in October, on the October 10th, 2024 at 11am in B014 room and by visio conference.
Title :
Applied Search Landscape Analysis
Summary :
The notion of a fitness landscape was first introduced in 1932 to understand natural evolution, but the concept was later applied in the context of evolutionary computation to understand algorithm behaviour on different problems. In the last decade, the field of fitness landscapes has experienced a large upswing in research, evident in the increased number of published papers on the topic as well as regular tutorials, workshops, and special sessions at all the major evolutionary computation conferences. More recently, landscape analysis has been used in contexts beyond evolutionary computation in the broader context of optimisation and machine learning. This talk will provide a brief introduction to the foundational work in fitness landscape analysis with a few new techniques that have been developed in the last few years. Case studies will be presented of recent applications of landscape analysis in both discrete and continuous domains. These include constrained optimisation, multi-objective optimisation, neural network training, feature selection for data mining, reinforcement learning and neural architecture search.